Career Exploration
Changing careers is scary, right?
You must have so many questions – What career suits me best? Once I decide my dream career, how am I going to get there? Is it going to give me the income I need? Where do I start?
First we will focus on YOU, what are your natural behaviours and talents. We will discover these through completion of the 34 CliftonStrengths Finder online assessment.
In order to unpack your strengths, your top 10 strengths to be specific, Robin will help you understand them and you will connect with how you use each strength at home or at work.
You are now on your way to Name and Claim your strengths – essentially this will become your formula – who you are and what you love to do. It’s authentically you.
And sometimes this explains why you’ve been unhappy in certain roles. It’s quite an empowering process!
Then we begin some deeper exploration – what did you like about the jobs in your past and why? What about past jobs you dreaded?
If you had no fear, no restrictions, what would your dream job be?
We’ll analyse which jobs allow you to use your strengths because there are studies that prove if you use your strengths every day, you’re 6 times more engaged at work and 3 times happier in your personal life.
Some people just need help sorting through all their thoughts and once they understand more about themselves, they have a lightbulb moment regarding their career.
For others, we will do more exploration through homework and reflection activities.
Once you’ve decided on the type of role you want to target, we move on to redoing your resume, writing a tailored cover letter, refreshing your LinkedIn profile and anything else that will serve as part of your new career goal.
Robin will teach you the art of networking – don’t worry! You’re not asking anyone for a job. But networking is key for career changers as it almost always leads to the new job (65% in fact).
You will do practice interviews with Robin and learn the techniques that will give you confidence and nail your interviews.
The whole process generally takes around 6-12 weeks depending on how fast you gain your clarity and your ability to make a career change.
Robin will teach you all you need to know to go out there and SLAY. And it might take a bit more time, but with IMPower’s coaching and guidance you CAN DO IT.